Warning about Cannabinoid Hypermsis Syndrome (CHS) - Pick Doggo

Warning about Cannabinoid Hypermsis Syndrome (CHS)

Hey all my fellow potheads. After a recent experience and realizing how little this syndrome is known I figured I would spread the word. Recently my significant other has become fairly sick with constant bouts of vomitting and mild stomach pains being her only symptoms. Unable to eat or even hold down water.

Its a rare occurance that happens in heavy smokers(I and her together smoke about an ounce and a half every two weeks) but frequent enough youll probably meet someone with it.

Essentially in your brain marijuana has anti nausea and vomitting effects well however in the digestive track it has the opposite affect. The receptors in your brain essentially develop a immunity too it, and now your just left with the digestive track side it. The only known treatment is too cease all marijuana use. Ill be quitting along side of her in support. It does not go away, even a year from now if she were to smoke the symptoms would return.

Here are some links for further information, she was diagnosed by a qualified doctor after blood test, xrays, and urine samples as well as 4 or 5 different kinds of nausea medication s failed too produce any kinds of answers.



submitted by /u/Eranisa
[link] [comments] http://bit.ly/2I68Fi3 May 3, 2019 at 02:55AM, 420GrowLife, KahliBuds
Warning about Cannabinoid Hypermsis Syndrome (CHS) Warning about Cannabinoid Hypermsis Syndrome (CHS) Reviewed by GrowLife420 on May 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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